Once Upon a Time…
There were two bears named Sarah & Tim. Looooong story short: They fell in love, got married, and went on adventures to Alaska. Then one day something amazing happened! Out of their love a little life was formed! A Baby Bear is joining their family! Anticipation grew just as Baby Bear is growing inside Mama Bear. Would it be a boy or a girl? Papa & Mama Bear decided that they wanted to be surprised and would find out beginning of July when Baby Bear is born.
Baby Shower for Mama & Baby Bear O.
While Papa Bear makes himself scarce, we will be showering Mama Bear & Baby Bear O with advice & things they will need when Baby Bear is born. There will be a light luncheon Saturday, March 25th at 11am. Ladies, we hope that you will be able to attend! Mama Bear & Baby Bear O. are registered at Amazon under Mama & Papa Bear’s names: Sarah & Timothy Oberholtzer.
A Request from Mama Bear
Instead of a card we have a little request to bring a book that you like best. Either well-loved or brand-new, Please sign your book with a line or two letting baby know this gift is from you!