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-Brian Herz will be preaching today
Brian Herz is a graduate of Abilene Christian University. He is a current student at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Ft. Worth, TX. He and his bride, Ellie, moved to Rockford two years ago so he could take the Simeon Trust’s Chicago Course on Preaching while interning at New Zion Baptist Church in Rockford. After their baby’s arrival in May, and upon completion of the course in June, they plan to return to Texas to finish seminary and serve in a church plant.
Order of Service
Hymn 262 “Holy, Holy, Holy”
Announcements: Dave O.
Prayer & Praise
Prelude: “Be Still My Soul”
Hymn 270 “Wonderful Words of Life”
Hymn 261 “Fill Me Now”
Hymn 265 “Father I Adore You”
Master’s Touch Bell Choir: “Morning Has Broken”
Sermon: Brian Herz
Hymn: “Come Thou Almighty King”